
Bennett Lumber Products allows recreation with written permission on almost all of our 58,000 acres of forestland in Idaho, and Spokane County Washington.  Hikers, bicyclists, ATV's, cross-country skiers, equestrians, snowmobiles, and sportsmen are welcomed with some restrictions.

Bennett Lumber does not allow camping or campfires.

To protect roads from damage, reduce sedimentation of rivers and streams, and to improve wildlife habitat, most of our roads are gated and closed to full-sized vehicle access.

Some gates are open to full-sized vehicles seasonally.  Gates are closed when road surfaces are soft and vulnerable to damage.  This is generally around October 31st.  Gates are not reopened again until the first of July.  Some roads may be closed to visitors during specific times, such as when there is active logging, or wildfire risk.  For up to date closure information please follow us on Facebook.

If you plan to recreate on Bennett property in Idaho or Spokane County Washington, you must visit our Princeton, ID office to obtain a free Sportsman's Courtesy Card.  We will need to know where you plan your activity, your current hunting or fishing license number if applicable, and the license plate number of the vehicle you plan to use.  The card is good for the year of issue only and is only valid on the Bennett Lumber lands that we designate on your card.  All hunting and fishing is subject to Idaho Fish and Game and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife regulations.

All Bennett land in south east Washington is closed to public access.

MAMBA Trail Agreement:
We have partnered with MAMBA to provide an extensive network of single-track mountain bike trails on Moscow Mountain. These single-track trails are closed to internal combustion (gas powered) vehicles. Please be respectful of the work and care that has gone into constructing this trail system.

Recreation Guidelines Brochure


Idaho Fish and Game Hunting and Fishing Regulations

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Regulations


Hunting within the Coeur d'Alene Tribe Reservation Boundaries

Idaho Fish and Game FAQ's

Coeur d'Alene Tribe Hunting and Fishing Regulations