Bennett Lumber's sustainable forestry goal is to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs by adopting land stewardship ethics that assure forests in this area remain healthy and continue to provide wood products, wildlife habitat, biological diversity, clean water, and recreational opportunities.
Maintaining and enhancing ecosystem health is the primary focus of Bennett Lumber's forest management efforts. Healthy forests provide habitat for fish and wildlife as well as timber for our mills. Bennett Lumber's commitment to sustainable practices is an everyday effort.
When it comes time to remove trees, Bennett foresters manage with a light touch, removing unhealthy trees and planning for the needs of future forests. Most harvests are done to remove diseased and feeble trees to improve forest health. All harvest prescriptions favor leaving healthy native tree species. Our foresters use a variety of silvicultural prescriptions to enhance biological diversity, protect water quality, maintain wildlife habitat, and preserve visual quality.