Best Management Practices
Best Management Practices are guidelines that help prevent or reduce the amount of environmental damage resulting from forest management activities such as timber harvest and road construction. The Idaho Forest Practices Act requires all timberland owners to comply with a stringent set of rules, or best management practices, designed by the Idaho Department of Lands to protect forests and water quality.
All forest landowners must notify department personnel prior to commencing any management activity and are audited for compliance thereafter. Very little happens without knowledge and approval of an Idaho Department of Lands Forest Practices Supervisor.
Bennett Lumber works closely with the Idaho Department of Lands to assure that BMP's are met or exceeded for all of our forest management activities. When it comes to management practices, Bennett Lumber is among the best. For example, we have received recognition as 'Forest Practice of the Year' from the Idaho Department of Lands for our management on Moscow Mountain.
You can view the Idaho Forestry Best Management Practices Field Guide electronically or request a free hard company from any Idaho Department of Lands Office.