Sustainable Forestry Initiative

In the Spring of 2000, Bennett Lumber Products enrolled to participate in the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) program. SFI is a non-profit, independent certification program that works with environmental, social and industry partners to improve forest practices in North America and fiber sourcing worldwide.  Bennett Lumber is committed to the 2022 SFI Standard for Fiber Sourcing and Forest Management and is currently certified.

More than 180 million acres are certified to the SFI forest management standard in North America - making it the largest forest standard in the world. It promotes sustainable forest management, including measures to protect water quality, biodiversity, wildlife habitat, species at risk, and Forests with Exceptional Conservation Value. We are proud to be part of a growing community of landowners, conservation groups and responsible companies all working towards improving forest management.

For more information about the SFI program, visit


SFI Forest Management Standard

SFI Fiber Sourcing Standard